Entrepreneurs: Job Redundancy to Self-Employment

>> Friday, June 29, 2012

job redundancy to self-employment

Having a redundant job threatens your traditional employment by making your position obsolete in the eyes of your employer. If you lose your job due to redundancy, it does not need to lead to stressful unpaid job hunts. Transitioning to self-employment is a logical step for many people facing job redundancy. There are a few key things to keep in mind if you decide to become self-employed.

Stay Calm
The sudden loss of steady income can be an upsetting experience. You should stay calm and try not to panic; employment redundancy does not mean the career you’ve worked hard to develop is over. Instead consider the potential opportunities your new freedom presents. Self-employment gives you a chance to pursue your passion on your own terms.


Make Money as a Freelance Blogger

>> Friday, June 8, 2012

Make Money as a Freelance Blogger

you can make money online as blogger
Blogging need not be just a leisure activity for you. Even when you are putting in long hours for writing interesting and informative content for your blog, it is not necessary that the reward comes only in the form of appreciation by readers and their recommendations on social networking platforms. You can certainly get more for your efforts. Monetize your blog to gain monetarily from your initiatives. There are multiple avenues available for the purpose. The first step is to get a large number of regular hits. This can be achieved by paying attention to blog content. Write effective content and capitalize on the popularity of the blog through the following methodologies.


About This Blog

A comprehensive and easy-to-follow guide for newbie Bloggers, designed to assist bloggers in their venture to Make Money Online. In addition, this blog will feature different Online Money Making Opportunities, Earn Extra Income, Coupons, Deals, Promos, Giveaways, Contests, and Discounts. Plus, Loans, Mortgage, Insurance, and Business news and articles.

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