Maximizing the Benefits of Google Plus to Your Website

>> Tuesday, November 29, 2011

When Google+ was first launched, people thought that it will compete with Facebook. But later on, many people enjoy the benefits from both social network. While Facebook has groups and pages for business purposes, Google+ also launched Google+ pages as its counterpart. Utilize Google Plus and let your business prosper. Here are some of the features you can take advantage of along with recommended tips.
  • Google+ button can improve your search engine result pages ranking.
benefits of installing Google plus on your website
Add the +1 button to your websites to attract more user interaction. Clicking the +1 button for a specific post of website is like giving upvotes, synonymous to liking or digging a particular post.

This feature has a great impact to organic search results. If you want to get the most out of it, simply add the HTML codes to your website or install a plugin that will generate the +1 button on your desired site location.

According to SEO experts and practitioners, Google +1 is the new ranking signal not to mention that it is associated with Google.

  • Get reports from Google +
It would be better to track down the number of +1 your pages or posts are getting. To get timely reports, check your Google Webmaster Tools account. It has a reporting area where you can see Google +1 Button activity on your website.
  • Create your official business page with Google+ Pages
Aside from your personal account, you can create your official business page and have people connect with it. If you have blogs that are not hosted in Blogger or Blogspot, it is recommended that you create Google+ pages to keep your followers. Why? Because this coming March 2012, Google Friend Connect on non-blogspot sites will no longer be supported.

  • Display Google+ Badge on your website
As you create your own Google+ page, you will have an option to create a badge. This is to catch the attention of your site visitors. Instead of having the usual text and hyperlinks on your sidebar, choose Google+ badges or banners. There are different sizes to choose from and you can pick the best one which will fit with your site and work best with your theme or layout. It is easy to get followers for your site if your Google+ badge is being displayed.

  • Build more Circles and Hangouts on Google+
Google+ Circles and Hangouts is more of having a specific group of people. This is like organizing your network so that it would be easier to filter your reach. Whenever you share something on your Google+ page, you can select your audience.

The author, Ryan Cote is a Project Manager for Ballantine Digital, a NJ social media agency Ryan has worked in SEO and Internet Marketing over 10 years providing SEO solutions

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