7 Mistakes You Must Avoid in Writing a Guest Post

>> Friday, December 2, 2011

Can you name the most effective way to drive more traffic to your blog and increase your blog subscribers? It is guest posting. If you can do it correctly, you will be able to increase your blog popularity easily. But, most bloggers do the same mistakes over and over. Those mistakes make their guest posting effort ineffective.
writing a guest post

In order to get the best result from your guest post, avoid these 7 mistakes when writing your guest post:

1. Outdated content. When you write a guest post, make sure that you give fresh information in your guest post. Sharing outdated information will bring failure in your guest post. If you want to engage your readers, give relevant and latest information in your guest post.

2. Write to low traffic blog. The purpose of guest posting is to attract more traffic to your blog. The only way to do it easily is to write a guest post to a high traffic blog. Choose your blog carefully. Find a high traffic blog in your niche and write a guest post to that blog. It will be more difficult to get accepted by high traffic blog, but you’ll get better result.

3. Writing medium to low quality content as a guest post. Most people will tend to write low or medium quality content as a guest post. As a result, their content gets rejected by the host blogger. Even though it is accepted, it won’t generate as much buzz if you write mediocre content as a guest post. Remember that the purpose of guest posting is to attract more traffic to your blog and introduce your name to the general blogging community. Therefore, you need to write the best content for your guest post.

4. Not asking the readers to subscribe. Another mistake is not asking the readers to subscribe to your blog. Most host bloggers will give you an opportunity to write a short resource box in the end of your guest post. Use this opportunity to ask the readers to subscribe to your blog. Neglecting this simple thing will make your guest post useless. Use each of your guest post as an opportunity to get more subscribers to your blog.

5. Not joining the conversation. Comments, either good or bad, will always exist in your guest post. The biggest mistake you can make in your guest post is to just write it and leave it without any interest in joining the conversation. If you want to successfully build your reputation in the blogging community, you should respond to every comment in your guest post professionally.

6. Not writing from experience. Your guest post must be original and it must speak to your readers in a unique way. Writing guest post from your personal experience is the best way for you to keep your post unique and original. It will also bring better response from the readers.

7. Not sharing your guest post. Don’t miss the opportunity to share your guest post with others. Share your guest post to your Twitter followers. Share your guest post to your Facebook friends and share it in the fan page as well. By sharing your guest post, you are attracting more traffic to it. To get maximum result from your guest post, you should avoid those mistakes when writing your guest post.
Besides internet marketing, Jessica Tyler is also a financial guest blogger that has contributed to many financial sites. She is also a contributor for Canadabanks.net where you can get some interesting tips on debt consolidation as well as Credit Line in order to help you make some savings on your loans.

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Zen December 4, 2011 at 1:15 AM  

Nice advice you got there. I got invited once to do a guest post. But I had no time. And I think the readers may not be interested. Probably in the future when I'm more confident. :)

Joel Bangahon December 4, 2011 at 7:02 AM  

Hi Zen, if you opened your blog for guest post, you may try myblogguest.com. You can offer any article in the gallery as long as you like it. And the your offer will have better chances if your blog has good PageRank and MozRank.

ariston @ make money online December 8, 2011 at 8:13 PM  

You're correct... Guest posting is one of the most effective ways to generate traffic to your website, but you must avoided those mistakes mentioned-above.

Joel Bangahon December 29, 2011 at 10:37 AM  

@ariston: Yeah. If you have given the chance to guest post, grab it! with caution to avoid those mistakes stated above!

executive gifts March 13, 2012 at 12:44 AM  

My honest feeling is all about this: "I have been a blogger for almost 5 years now and in that time I have published over 800 guest posts across my websites and written over 100 guest posts for other blogs. I like to think then that due to me having the best of both worlds in this topic I can shed some light on what you need to do to write a solid guest post".

corporate gifts March 13, 2012 at 12:46 AM  

Pick a topic which you know about and search your chosen website for any posts that they have currently on that topic. Now if you had an idea for a guest post which has unfortunately already been covered, simply stick to your topic and come at it at a different informative and useful angle. For me, I always find that submitting guide and list posts work incredibly well.

Make sure that you structure your guest post properly too. An introduction, main body and conclusion is in 99% of cases the way all guest posts should be formatted. This allows your writing to flow properly and also allows the reader to get your point in as short a time as possible. If you lead website visitors on too long, they tend to get bored and go elsewhere.

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