Craig Whyte: Self-Made Billionaire at 39
>> Tuesday, March 6, 2012
First Business Venture
Craig had opened his first plant within four years of leaving school. Unfortunately it closed in the nineties and Whyte was left with hurt pride. But, not one to be pulled down, he got back up again and went on to invest in security and property; eventually the Scottish entrepreneur became the youngest self-made millionaire in Scotland by the age of 26 and made it onto the rich list.Personal Life
In 2000 Craig Whyte married Kim Martin in Naples and they spent the first half of their married life living in Monaco, better known as the luxurious playground of the rich and famous. They moved back to Scotland in 2007 when Whyte bought a castle in the highlands. Unfortunately, Whyte and Martin who have three children, decided to separate in 2010 with Martin filing for a divorce a year later.Business Ventures
Whyte heads up a complicated maze of interlinked businesses and he is known as the billionaire that buys distressed assets, turning them into profit machines and then selling them for an ultimate profit. Whyte eventually declared his interest in taking over the Rangers – a team he has fully supported his whole life. He took an opportunity and was the billionaire who stepped in and saved the crippled club at the last minute. His company Liberty Capital, which is the holding company for his many ventures, took over the running of Rangers.Even with all the controversy surrounding Whyte and the purchase of the Rangers, one cannot dispute his business savvy and highly skilled talent of turning debt-ridden companies into profitable organisations. Craig Whyte’s past successes are proof in the pudding.
Maybe it’s time to call it a day on the business front and live off the fruits of his labour. Craig Whyte is only 39 years old. That is a baby in the way of self-made billionaires. His successful climb up the corporate business ladder has been a tough one but it’s clear that all the lessons he’s learned he’s implemented into each venture. A lot could be learned from Craig Whyte.
Vida Denning enjoys writing on a lot of topics and most notably her most recent interest was peaked when she started to work with the mt4 platform through the Metatrader 4 demo account she downloaded.
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